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There’s something special about this place – Hospital Santa Ines Ambato


There’s something special about this place

  • julio 23, 2016
  • 07.00 - End
  • Paris, France

Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait… The Earth began to cool, the autotrophs began to drool. Neanderthals developed tools, we built a wall (we built the pyramids). Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, that all started with the big bang!

Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out. Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about. Well, the names have all changed since you hung around, but those dreams have remained and they’re turned around. Who’d have thought they’d lead ya? Here where we need ya. Yeah, we tease him a lot ‘cause we’ve got him on the spot, welcome back. Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.

There were six people who loved to watch television, but they didn’t like what they saw. Armed with determination and a strong will to change the course of television, they wrote their own shows, but that wasn’t enough, they had to sell them. They went straight to the networks, but the networks were not ready for them. But did that stop them? No. They built their own network and they liked what they saw.

What ever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV. Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, there’s a heart, a hand to hold onto. Everywhere you look, everywhere you go. There’s a face of somebody who needs you.
Everywhere you look, when you’re lost out there and you’re all alone, a light is waiting to carry you home, Everywhere you look. Everywhere you look.

There’s something special about this place